SKZ | Chapter 25


m’<l>ws MHWZA OM prybr hmkwsy ’t’<n>y’ MHWZA OM prybr hmkwsy trysst MHWZA OM prybr hmkwsy zpyrwn MHWZA OM prybr hmkwsy spsty’ MHWZA OM prybr hmkwsy kwlkws MHWZA OM prybr hmkwsy


Māl(l)os šahrestān aδ parβēr hamgōs, *Adāniyā šahrestān aδ parβēr hamgōs, *Tarsos [corr. ed.] šahrestān aδ parβēr hamgōs, Zefīrōn šahrestān aδ parβēr hamgōs, Sebastiyā šahrestān aδ parβēr hamgōs, Kōrikos šahrestān aδ parβēr hamgōs,

the city of Mallos along with the surrounding region, the city of Adana along with the surrounding region, the city of Tarsos along with the surrounding region, the city of Zephyrion along with the surrounding region, the city of Sebaste along with the surrounding region, the city of Corycus along with the surrounding region,

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