p’šhr wysprkn wyprd prdkn mtryhwšt bryskn hwmprd’t m’dknpty drn zynpty šhrk d’tbr wrdn ’hwrpty mtrk twsrkn zy’k zbrkn skpws nhšyrpty hwtwk grstpty z’hyn mdkdr
Pāčihr Wisfarr(a)gān, Wifr Farragān, Mihrxwāšt Barēsagān, *Hōmfraδād māδagānbed, Dirān zēnbed, Čihrag dādβar, Wardān āxwarrbed, Mihrag Tōsar(a)gān, Zīg Zabr(a)gān, Sagbus naxčīrbed, *Hudug grastbed, J̆ahēn *maδugdār;
TranslationPacihr, the son of Wisfarr; Wifr, the son of Farrag; Mihrxwast, the son of Baresag; *Homfrad, the leader of the Immortals [sic?]; Diran, the armorer; Cihrag, the judge; Wardan, the master of the stables; Mihrag, the son of Tosar; Zig, the son of Zabr; Sagbus, the master of the hunt; *Hudug, the major domo; Jahen, the cupbearer;