SKZ | Chapter 43


p’šhr wysprkn wyprd prdkn mtryhwšt bryskn hwmprd’t m’dknpty drn zynpty šhrk d’tbr wrdn ’hwrpty mtrk twsrkn zy’k zbrkn skpws nhšyrpty hwtwk grstpty z’hyn mdkdr


Pāčihr Wisfarr(a)gān, Wifr Farragān, Mihrxwāšt Barēsagān, *Hōmfraδād māδagānbed, Dirān zēnbed, Čihrag dādβar, Wardān āxwarrbed, Mihrag Tōsar(a)gān, Zīg Zabr(a)gān, Sagbus naxčīrbed, *Hudug grastbed, J̆ahēn *maδugdār;

Pacihr, the son of Wisfarr; Wifr, the son of Farrag; Mihrxwast, the son of Baresag; *Homfrad, the leader of the Immortals [sic?]; Diran, the armorer; Cihrag, the judge; Wardan, the master of the stables; Mihrag, the son of Tosar; Zig, the son of Zabr; Sagbus, the master of the hunt; *Hudug, the major domo; Jahen, the cupbearer;

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