SKZ | English Translation

Translation: Jake Nabel

I, the Mazda-worshipping god Shapur, king of kings of Iran and Not-Iran, whose race [is] of the gods, son of the Mazda-worshipping god Ardashir, king of kings of Iran, whose race [is] of the gods, grandson of the god King Pabag, am lord of Iran.

And I possess the lands of Persia, Parthia, Xuzestan, Mešan, Asurestan, Nodširagan [=Adiabene], Arbayestan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Wirzan [=Iberia], Sigan, Albania, Balasagan, up to the Caucasus mountains and the gate of the Alani, and the entire range of the Elburz mountains,

Media, Gurgan [=Hyrcania], Merv, Harew, and all of Abaršahr, Kerman, Sakestan, Tugran, Makran, Pardan, Hindestan, Kušanšahr up to Pešawar (?) and until Kašgar (?), Sogdiana and Taškent, and on the far side of the sea Mazun (=Oman).

And I made Peroz-Shapur D—shar(?) by name, and I made Ohrmezd-Ardashir Shapur by name.

And all these numerous lands and rulers and regions were made tributary and subject to me.

And when I first became established in the land, Gordian Caesar drew together an army from all the land of Rome, Gothia, and Germany; and to Asurestan (=Babylonia) he came against Iran and [against] me, and at the boundary of Asurestan at Mishik there was a great face-to-face battle.

Gordian Caesar was killed, and the army of the Romans was destroyed, and the Romans made Philip Caesar.

And Philip Caesar came to me for supplication, and for their souls gave 500,000 dinars in blood money to me, and he was established as a tributary. And because of this I gave Mishik the name Peroz-Shapur (Victorious-is-Shapur).

And Caesar lied again, [and] did harm to Armenia. And I moved against the land of the Romans, and an army of Romans 60,000 strong was killed at Bebalis (=Barbalissos).

And the land of Assyria, and the land which is around Assyria, was all burned, laid waste, and plundered; and there were taken on this one occasion from the land of the Romans these fortresses and cities:

The city of Anat along with the surrounding region; Birt-Aruban along with the surrounding region; Birt Asporagan along with the surrounding region; the city of Sura along with the surrounding region; the city of Bebalish along with the surrounding region; the city of Manbug along with the surrounding region;

The city of Halab (=Berrhoia) along with the surrounding region; the city of Kinashra (=Chalcis) along with the surrounding region; the city of Apamea along with the surrounding region; the city of Rhephaneia along with the surrounding region; the city of Zoma (=Zeugma) along with the surrounding region; the city of Urna (=Urima) along with the surrounding region;

The city of Gindaros along with the surrounding region; the city of (L)armenaza along with the surrounding region; the city of Seleucia along with the surrounding region; the city of Antiochia along with the surrounding region; the city of Kyrrhos along with the surrounding region;

Another city of Seleucia along with the surrounding region; the city of Alexandretta along with the surrounding region; the city of Nicopolis along with the surrounding region; the city of Sinzara along with the surrounding region; the city of Hamath along with the surrounding region;

The city of Aristia along with the surrounding region; the city of Dikhor along with the surrounding region; the city of Dura along with the surrounding region; the city of Dolikhe along with the surrounding region; the city of Circesion along with the surrounding region; the city of Germaniceia along with the surrounding region;

The city of Batnai along with the surrounding region; the city of Khanar along with the surrounding region; in Cappadocia: the city of Satala along with the surrounding region; the city of Doman along with the surrounding region;

The city of *Artangilla along with the surrounding region; the city of Suisa along with the surrounding region; the city of Suida along with the surrounding region; the city of Phreata along with the surrounding region; altogether, 37 cities along with the surrounding regions.

On the third occasion, when I moved against Harran (=Carrhae) and Urha (=Edessa) and besieged Harran and Urha, Valerian Caesar came against me.

And there were with [him] from the land of Germany, from the land of Raetia, from the land of Norica, from the land of Dacia, from the land of Pannonia, from the land of Moesia, from the land of Istria [or: Asturia], from the land of Spain, from the land of Africa,

From the land of Thrace, from the land of Bithynia, from the land of Asia, from the land of Pamphylia, from the land of Isauria, from the land of Lyconia, from the land of Galatia, from the land of Lycia, from the land of Cilicia, from the land of Cappadocia, from the land of Phrygia, from the land of Syria,

From the land of Phoenicia, from the land of Judaea, from the land of Arabia, from the land of Mauretania, from the land of Germany, from the land of Rhodes, from the land of Osrhoene(?), from the land of Mesopotamia an army of 70,000 [men].

And on this side of Harran and Urha there was a great battle with Valerian Caesar, and Valerian Caesar was captured by [my] own hand, and the rest, the praetorian prefects and the senators and the officers who were the leaders of this army, were all captured and led into Persia.

And the land of Syria, the land of Cilicia, and the land of Cappadocia were burned, laid waste, and plundered.

And there were taken on this occasion from the land of the Romans: the city of Alexandria and Issos [sic for Alexandria at Issus] along with the surrounding region, the city of Samosata along with the surrounding region, the city of Katabala along with the surrounding region, the city of Aegaeae along with the surrounding region, the city of Mopsuestia along with the surrounding region,

the city of Mallos along with the surrounding region, the city of Adana along with the surrounding region, the city of Tarsos along with the surrounding region, the city of Zephyrion along with the surrounding region, the city of Sebaste along with the surrounding region, the city of Corycus along with the surrounding region,

the city of Anazarbos along with the surrounding region, the city of Kastabala along with the surrounding region, the city of Neronias along with the surrounding region, the city of Flaviapolis along with the surrounding region, the city of Nikopolis along with the surrounding region,

the city of Epiphaneia along with the surrounding region, the city of Kelenderis along with the surrounding region, the city of Anemurion along with the surrounding region, the city of Selinus along with the surrounding region, the city of Myonpolis along with the surrounding region, the city of Antiocheia along with the surrounding region, the city of Seleucia(?) along with the surrounding region,

the city of Dometiupolis along with the surrounding region, the city of Tyana along with the surrounding region, the city of Caesareia along with the surrounding region, the city of Komana along with the surrounding region, the city of Kybistra along with the surrounding region,

the city of Sebasteia along with the surrounding region, the city of Birtha along with the surrounding region, the city of Rhakundia along with the surrounding region, the city of Laranda along with the surrounding region, the city of Ikonion along with the surrounding region; altogether, 36 cities along with the surrounding regions.

And the men, who from the land of the Romans, from not-Iran, were led back as spoils?, into Iran, into Persis, Parthia, Xuzestan, Asurestan and the other lands, land by land?, where settlements were established? by me and my father and forebearers and ancestors, there they were settled.

And by me many other lands were obtained, and many [deeds of] fame and bravery were accomplished, which are not written here, but these so numerous deeds were commanded to be written down for this reason: so that whoever comes after me will recognize the fame, bravery, and rulership that was mine.

And for this reason – since the gods made me their ward in this way, and with the support of the gods I acquired and possess these so numerous lands – therefore many Bahram fires have been established by me, many good Magi ordained, and the cults of the gods made great.

And here too through this inscription I establish: a fire, Husraw-Shapur in name, for my soul and my future fame; a fire, Husraw-Adur-Anahid in name, for the soul and future fame of Adur-Anahid, the queen of queens, my daughter; a fire, Husraw-Ohrmezd-Ardashir in name, for the soul and future fame of Ohrmezd-Ardashir, the great king of Armenia, my son;

another fire, Husraw-Shapur by name, for the soul and future fame of Shapur, the king of Meshan, my son; a fire, Husraw-Narseh by name, for the soul and future fame of Arier, the Mazda-worshipping Narseh, the king of Hindustan, Sakastan, and Turan up to the shore of the sea, my son.

And that which I granted to the fire and how it was established, this all was written down also according to protocol. And from the 1,000 lambs that are traditionally due to me from the surplus, and those which were given by me to the fires, with respect to those I commanded that this [the following] be done [i.e. sacrificed]:

For my soul day after day a lamb, a grīw and 5 hōfan of bread, and 4 pās of wine; for the souls of Sasan, the lord, and of Pabag, the king, and of Shapur, the king and the son of Pabag, and of Ardashir, the king of kings, and of Xwarranzem, the queen of the land, and of Adur-Anahid, the queen of queens, and of Denag, the queen, and of Wahram, the king of Gelan, and of Shapur, the king of Meshan,

of Ohrmezd-Ardashir, the Great King of Armenia, of Narseh, the king of the Saka, of Shapurduxtag, the queen of the Saka, of Cashmag, the noblewoman?, of Peroz, the prince, of Murrod, the noblewoman and the mother of Shapur, of Narseh, the prince, of Rodduxt, the princess and the daughter of Anosag, of Warazduxt, the daughter of Xwarranzem,

of Staxryad, the queen, and of Hormezdag, the son of the king of Armenia, of Hormezd and Hormezdag and Odabaxt and Wahram and Shapur and Peroz, the sons of the king of Meshan, of Shapurduxtag, the daughter of the king of Meshan, and of Ohrmezdduxtag, the daughter of the king of the Saka: one lamb, one grīw and 5 hōfan of bread, and 4 pās of wine;

and those lambs which out of these are left — so long as they last — for the souls of those for whom I commanded them to be sacrificed?.

And here there stand written those who lived under the rule of King Pabag: Sasan, the son of *Orsig; Farrag, the son of Farrag; Wahrambad, the son of Horag; Asporag, the son of Asporag; Puhrag, the son of Marden; *Zig, the master of ceremonies; Shapur, the son of Wezan; Shapur, the son of Mihrozan;

[And here stand written those] who lived under the rule of Ardashir, the king of kings: Sadaluf, the King of Abrenag; Ardashir, the king of Merv; Ardashir, the king of Kerman; Ardashir, the king of Sagan; Denag, the mother of king Pabag; Rodag, the mother of Ardashir, the king of kings;

Denag, the queen of queens and the daughter of Pabag; Ardashir, the viceroy; Pabag, the chiliarch; Dehen (from the house of) Waraz; Sasan (from the house of) Suren; Sasan, the ruler of Andegan; Peroz (from the house of) Karin; Gog (from the house of) Karin; Abursam Ardashir-Farr; Gelman from Demawend; Raxsh, the leader of the army; Mard, the head scribe; Pabag, the grand marshall;

Pacihr, the son of Wisfarr; Wifr, the son of Farrag; Mihrxwast, the son of Baresag; *Homfrad, the leader of the Immortals [sic?]; Diran, the armorer; Cihrag, the judge; Wardan, the master of the stables; Mihrag, the son of Tosar; Zig, the son of Zabr; Sagbus, the master of the hunt; *Hudug, the major domo; Jahen, the cupbearer;

[And here stand written those] who lived under my rule: Ardashir, the king of Adiabene; Ardashir, the king of Kerman; Denag, the queen of Meshan, the ‘dastgerd’ of Shapur; (H)amazasp, the king of Iberia; Vologaeses (Walaxsh), the prince and son of Pabag;

Sasan, the prince who was brought up in (the house of) Farragan; another Sasan, the prince who was brought up in (the house of) Kadugan; Narseh, the prince and the son of Peroz; Narseh, the prince and the son of Shapur [sic; recte: Zadspraxm(?)]; Shapur, the viceroy; Pabag, the chiliarch; Peroz, the master of the stables; Ardashir (from the house of) Waraz;

Ardashir (from the house of) Suren; Narseh, the ruler of Andegan; Ardashir (from the house of) Karin; Wohnam, the chief administrator; Frig, the satrap of Weh-Antioch-Shapur; Sridoy Shahmust; Ardashir Ardashir-Snom; Pacihr Tahm-Shapur; Ardashir, the satrap of Go(y)man; Cashmag New-Shapur;

Wohnam Shapur-Shnom; Tirmihr, the castle-lord? from Shahrkerd; Zig, the master of ceremonies; Ardawan (Artabanus) from Demawend; Gundifarr, the son of *Ewag(?); Razmjoy and Pabic(?) Peroz-Shapur, the sons(?) of Shanbid; Warzan, the satrap of Gay; Kerdsraw, the viceroy; Pabag, the son of Wisfarr;

Wala(x)sh (Vologaeses), the son of Seluk; Yazadbed, the advisor of the queens; Pabag, the sword-bearer; Narseh, the satrap of Rind; Tiyanag, the satrap of Hamadan; Wardbed, the chief of staff; Joymard, the son of Rastag; Ardashir, the son of *Wifr; Abursam, the son of Shapur and the commander of the palace guard; Narseh, the son of Barrag; Shapur, the son of Narseh;

Narseh, the major domo; Hormezd, the head scribe; Nadug, the jailer; Pabag, the gatekeeper; Pasfard, the son of Pasfard; Abdaxsh(?), the son of Dizbed; Kerdir, the priest; Rastag, the satrap of Weh-Ardashir; Ardashir, the son of the viceroy; Mihrxwast, the treasurer; Shapur, the chief administrator;

Ashstad (from the house of) Mihran, the letter-writer; Sasan, the eunuch, the son of Sasan; Wirod [corr. ed.], the warden of the market; Ardashir, the satrap of Niriz; Baydad, the son of *Wardbed; Kerdir, the son of(?) Ardawan; Zurwandad, the son of Bandag; Winnar, the son of Sasan; *Manzag, the eunuch; Sasan, the judge; Wardan, the son of *Nashbed(?); *Wardag, the lord of the boars(?); for each a lamb, a grīw and 5 hōfan of bread, and 4 pās of wine.

As I now apply myself to affairs and the cult-business for the gods and am the ‘dastgerd’ of the gods, and as I with the help of the gods acquired and possess these so numerous lands, and acquired fame and bravery, [in this way] should whoever will come after me and will be successful apply themselves to affairs and the cult-business for the gods, so that the gods will be an aid [to him] and will make [him] their ‘dastgerd’. This [is] written in my hand by Hormezd the writer, the son of Silag the writer.

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